M4 Jct 14 dog walk and dog-friendly organic food, Wiltshire
Outstanding dog-friendly village pub that is a real one-off. They are uncompromisingly organic and have Soil Association accreditation and awards for their efforts. It's a great family stop, lone ladies with dog will feel comfortable here, and the food is simple and delicious. And the dog walk is short and packed with sensory delights for dogs.
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Green 50 PointsEdited: 28th February 2024. The details of this listing may have changed, and though the Driving with Dogs team do our best to confirm the accuracy of every listing, we cannot guarantee that the details are fully up to date and accurate.
Junction 13 not 18
I hope to visit tomorrow but, for reference, I think the title is incorrect and it should read Jct 13 not Jct 18. I nearly overlooked this as thought it was not in the location I required.