A10 Exit 27 doggiestop and picnic place, France
With a picnic, some sunshine and an active imagination this is a great place to visit. It doesn't really matter whether the site of the ruins is officially open or not because you can see everything from a handy hillock on the footpath (and save yourself the entry fee).
The ruins are what's left of a town called Vetus Pictavis, where Gauls, Romans and before them Celts enjoyed life. It's a fabulous location, now almost completely deserted except for the many butterflies feasting on the nectar of wild flowers. It's so quiet you can hear the soft flapping of the butterfly wings.
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Green 30 PointsEdited: 8th January 2025. The details of this listing may have changed, and though the Driving with Dogs team do our best to confirm the accuracy of every listing, we cannot guarantee that the details are fully up to date and accurate.
Great off lead walk
Brilliant, as described. Path is flanked by wheat fields, sunflower fields and vineyards (i.e. no livestock, if that’s a concern). Easy to find and very pretty scenery.