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A26 exit 2 family motorway break, France
Quiet during the week
This was a lovely stop before getting to the channel tunnel. Very quiet during the week. Nice lunch and walk by the lake.
A9 Exit 40/41 Salses le Chateau dog walk, France
Surprise stop
This was a surprisingly pleasing stop on the motorway. Lovely walk through the mediterean gardens with olive and fir trees to give the dog a nice run.
A26 exit 23 dog walk in Lusigny, France
Lovely area for walking
We had a really lovely walk here enjoying the scenery and, because it was during the week and early in the morning, had the place to ourselves. Once in Lusigny-sur-Barse keep driving past the canel stop with the arch towards Geraudot and you'll see a car park on the left.
A9 Exit 33 Doggiestop in Balaruc-les-Bains, France
Lovely refreshing swim
This was a great stop and we agree that the walk along the breach to the right ( behind the casino) was good for our dog. Found a bit of beach along the path and Lolly had a lovely cool swim. We managed to pick up a quiche for lunch in a lovely bakery in the square by the recreation parks and are it on one of the benches overlooking the sea on the walk. The public toilets were on the public beach end going left from the casino.
A7 exit 21 doggiestop in the old city of Orange, France
Well worth the visit!
Thank you for this recommendation. The Roman theatre was fascinating. We also enjoyed a doggy walk into the park on the hill behind the theatre with fabulous views. It was a bit hot to stay too long as it was 30 degrees at 10 in the morning but stuck to the shade on the hill.
Displaying 6 results
We used the park across the road
Thanks for this tip. We just used the park across the road for a great doggie run around before heading back home after a long hot day.