A55 dog walk near Llandudno Junction, Clwyd, Wales
If you and the dog need a break from the A55 / A470 this relaxing woodland with easy to follow paths is ideal.
If you and the dog need a break from the A55 / A470 this relaxing woodland with easy to follow paths is ideal.
Starting at Martinshaw Woods Car Park , this walk takes you away from the motorway and towards open fields and woodland.
Absolutely the best place to get a panoramic view of 'Shakespeare' country, and lots of space for dogs to run, roll and sniff.
A choice of dog walks here, including one with full wheelchair access along the Viking Way. The signage is very good and if you're staying nearby it's worth exploring the different routes.
In the winter months especially this is a fine place for a dog walk, and there's plenty of scamper space for dogs to be off-lead in fields with no livestock.
Warm and welcoming, dog-friendly canalside pub with walkies from the beer garden. New team has taken over (August 2023) and we'll be updating the details soon.
This is dog walking country at its best, through woodland full of the sounds of nature and undisturbed wildlife simply getting on with it.
A traditional village, with some really attractive thatched cottages, a village green and pleasantly slow pace.
Dog-friendly pub that is so close to the motorway that you can almost smell it, never mind hear it.
A riverside dog walk near pubs and cafes, as well as the famous view from the top.
Seconds away from the Devon Expressway you won't lose journey time by taking a dog walk break here. The inn is about 200 years old, with open fires, oak beams and a relaxing atmosphere.
A locals' favourite for dog walkers in the area and you'll find a choice of dog walks right from the car park. The conservatory can get a bit over-doggie on a wet day.