Ballycuggaran dog walk, RoI
Gorgeous forest dog walks in Ballycuggaran. It's a huge space and there are a couple of marked trails to help you navigate. The trees are a mix of firs and larch, and oaks and ash too.
Gorgeous forest dog walks in Ballycuggaran. It's a huge space and there are a couple of marked trails to help you navigate. The trees are a mix of firs and larch, and oaks and ash too.
This is one of the largest working oak woods in the country, and it's a gorgeous place to spot red squirrels. There are a couple of trails to follow, or just have a wander as the mood strikes.
Unbelievably scenic walk routes, with waterfalls and forest paths - it's pure delight.
This is a particularly useful stop for campervans, as there's a large field for campervans and campers right next to a lake (summer only).
Short walk - but the big attraction here is the viewing rock. Apparently you can see lots of South Dublin and Wicklow, providing it's not raining which does limit the possibilities!
This old fortified town has oodles of charm, and there's plenty to look at - even without a visit to the two remaining wings of the château where dogs aren't allowed (entry charges apply).
Great dog walks in France off the D25 Fabulous place for a walk, and lots to see in this unique maritime forest and environs. Just gorgeous. A climb up the lighthouse is great for kids (but no dogs).
Doggylicious trail in a big loop starting from Clonaslee. Pick a sunny day and this is fantastic.
Huge forest park with lakes, well-marked out forest trails and a beach. Doggy heaven! Also plenty of history, with ancient forts and tombs.
Very large forest in what was once the Powerscourt Estate. Now it's managed by Coillte and everyone can enjoy the walks and views here.
Lots of tradition connected with the Marian Cross on this walk, and it's said to be a very popular walk during the Christmas season - maybe a bit of Santa spotting from the top?
Ideal if you're looking for a fairly short bound with the hound in a quiet woodland where two trails are marked, and it's easy to find your way around. One trail is a 1.