M6 Junction 38 dog-friendly pub and walk near Tebay, Cumbria Junction 38 This walk follows the course of a river, and ducks underneath the M6 to emerge at the site of an ancient motte and bailey fortress in the middle of the water.
M6 Junction 13 dog walk with refreshments, Staffordshire Junction 13 This is a delightfully rural canal side walk, even though the roar of the traffic on the M6 motorway is never far away.
M5 Junctions 6 and 7 dog walk and cafe near Worcester, Worcestershire Junction 7 Paths are well maintained here and provide easy dog walking around this fully accessible route. This is brilliant for kids, with a large play area, and the woods are perfect for dogs.
M6 Junction 42 River Eden dog walk and pub, Cumbria Junction 42 Fantastic walk along the river bank, with a lovely dog-friendly hotel bar to return to.
M6 Junction 4 dog walk and dog-friendly pub, Warwickshire Junction 4 A handy 2-mile (35 mins) circular dog walk on tidy grassland that keeps dogs reasonably clean in all weathers.
M4 Junction 15 Lakeside Walk, Wiltshire Junction 15 This is a fine all-weather walk on a hard surface path around the lake, with easy access for buggies and wheelchair users.
M6 Junction 36 dog-friendly pub and dog walk, Cumbria Junction 36 There's a definite northerly feel to the air up here, and even in summer this walk on Public Footpaths feels cool - if not chilly. Dog swimming is possible in the stream at the foot of the hill.
M6 Junction 44 dog walk through history, Cumbria Junction 44 A stroll along Hadrian's Wall is a fitting location for the last dog walk on the M6 in England (or the first out of Scotland).
Dog-friendly pub and dog walk off the M6 Junction 20, Cheshire Junction 20 Genuine, nice and dog-friendly inn with plenty of history behind it. We thought the meals were great value, and definitely recommend their Fish Fridays. Easy to get to from the M6/20 and the A56 too
Reservoir dog walk and pub, Lancashire Junction 31A Very easy to follow circular dog walk on a Public Footpath around a reservoir, with fields and an old railway line too. The walk is a good one - and the pub is dog-friendly.
M5 Junction 27 dog-friendly pub and dog walk, Devon Junction 27 A large, friendly village pub backing onto the Grand Western Canal. Absolutely great for dogs, kids and walkers.
M5 Junction 25 two watery dog walks, Somerset Junction 25 There's a choice of two water walks in this sleepy village, both quiet and tranquil. There are a couple of small shops in the village for picnic supplies, and the Bell is dog-friendly in the bar.