M1 Junction 35 woodland dog walk and dog-friendly pub, South Yorkshire Junction 35 A quiet dog walk and a dog-friendly pub close to the M1 Junction 35. The dog walk is through the leafy splendour of an ancient coppice.
Dog walk with a view in the Blackdown Hills, Somerset Super exhilarating dog walk country, with the bonus here of a site of a series of ancient castles - starting in the Bronze Age.
A5 dog walk and cafe near Shrewsbury, Shropshire Luscious parkland for dogs with a nose for the high life, This is a National Trust property with an enormous park (dogs on leads near deer) and access to the river.
M42 Junction 10 country park dog walk, Warwickshire Junction 10 Dog walk in a really interesting country park, formed out of the remains of a colliery. The ponds in the park came about from subsidence, not design. It's a gritty sort of park, but worth a visit.
Woodland dog walk with no stiles or sheep Pembrokeshire, Wales A gloriously sheep and stile-free walk in an ancient forest that's now part of the Pembrokeshire national park.
Dog walk on the roof of White Sheet, Wiltshire This is a tremendous place to stop so allow plenty of time for dogs, kids and everyone to celebrate the big spaces and heritage here. Just wonderful.
A28 exit 5 forest dog walk near Blangy, France Junction 5 Blangy-sur-Bresle Popular with local dog walkers, this is a great break from the autoroute for drivers, dogs and everyone. The paths are wide and easy to follow, and the forest is a delight.
A30 Dartmoor dog-friendly inn with B&B and dog walk, Devon Dog-friendly pub in the centre of a Dartmoor village, and with a good dog walk from the door. It seems incredible that this seemingly remote place is so close to the A30.
Castle and dog-friendly cafe, Shropshire Atmospheric remains of a bygone castle and an excellent dog-friendly cafe make this a nice place to take a break, or meet up with friends.
A30 Woodland dog walk and forest cafe near Bodmin, Cornwall Forest walks and bike trails, children's activities and all-round family fun time. popular with local dog owners, and perfect for some 'green' time after the beach.
A1 dog walk near St Neots, Cambridgeshire Very easy to reach dog walk off the A1 near St Neots. A series of lakes with well marked paths and an attractive mix of water and wildflowers. Lovely walking for people and dogs.
The Arch dog walk near Devil's Bridge, Ceredigion, Wales Remote forest walk where Red Kites wheel above and small furries scamper below. An ideal scampering ground for dogs who've had the nearby on-lead Devil's Bridge trip (Jem isn't a fan!).