Wintertime can be tough on your dog's paws with all the snow, ice and salt on the pavements, and overall cold weather. It's important to protect your dog's sensitive paw pads as they can't just slip on snow boots like us. Fortunately, there are several ways to protect your dog's paws this winter. Make sure to prepare for the cold weather with the following options:
Paw Balm
Before walking on the snow or ice, rub some paw balm on your dog's paws. This will minimize the dry skin and damage salt can cause. Make sure to reapply the balm after returning from walks. Having paw balm on hand is a good way to keep their paws soft and supple during the cold months. We use Mushers Paw Balm as it absorbs well, does a good job and one tub lasts for ages.
Dog Boots
Love them or hate them, doggie boots are a good way to keep your pup's paws covered during the winter months. Not every breed is intended to withstand cold weather; therefore booties are an effective way to protect your canine's paws because they offer warmth, full coverage, and are durable. To find your dog's right size, measure from the heel to the tip of the toenail. I'll fess up to thinking that a pooch in boots was totally ridiculous. But since then I've seen several dogs in our walking group using them in icy conditions and it's obvious that the dogs are very happy with their little boots. If you're thinking of getting some for your dog, it's a good idea to look at the reviews on amazon from people with the same type of dog as yours because fitting and how well the boots stay on vary so much between different dog types.
Towel dry after Walks
When taking your dog out for a walk, make sure to wipe down their paws afterwards with a towel. This will minimize any damage salt, ice, or other residue they may have stepped on during their stroll. If you have concerns about salt, consider dipping each paw in a bucket of lukewarm water and then towel drying. Commercial paw washers are also available, such as the MudBuster.
Keep Walks Shorter
During the extreme cold, it's best to keep walks short for your canine. Being out in the cold too long is dangerous and can lead to frostbite. Keep in mind that, if it's too cold for you, chances are it's too cold for your dog, too. If you do take your dog for a walk, you may want to consider putting them in a coat or jacket.