Shincliffe to Durham dog walk and dog-friendly pub, County Durham

Riverside path along the Wear with country views, and spectacular views of the Castle and Cathedral. 1.5 miles one way.

Pubs in Shincliffe, wide range of facilities in Durham. The Seven Stars in Shincliffe is also dog-friendly.
Full Walk Details
Park opposite the Rose Tree public house in Shincliffe. Follow access road on east bank of the river past field on right. River path commences at end of access road and runs alongside sports fields. Pass Maiden Castle foot bridge on left and continue to foor bridge over Old Durham River. After crossing the bridge continue on bank of Wear, keeping left at the path junction opposite the rowing club. The river bank is wooded at this point and after a few hundred yards rises before falling back to river bank level. At the end of the wooded stretch the cathedral and Castle come into view. On the opposite bank the bandstand and a staute of a Durham Ox can be seen. Continue past the Baths Footbridge to the area adjacent to Elvet Bridge where there are two pubs at riverside level and access to Durham City Centre. This is the one and a half mile point. Continue under Elvet Bridge to walk round the river bank below the Cathedral and Castle to Framwellgate Bridge which is a further mile.
Contact Details |
The Rose Tree Inn | 0191 386 8512 |