M27 Junction 8 country park dog walk, Hampshire
SO31 1BH

Allow plenty of time for exciting walkies here. There are a number of well-signed dog walk routes, one with dog-swimming. Wheelchair users are well catered for, and facilities are excellent. Children will really enjoy a visit to the farm.

Parking charge on entry. Working farm admission separate. WC+disabled, café, visitor centre, picnic area, working farm museum, children's activities, dog water, dog poo bins. Accessible trails. Maps available from entry point and visitor centre. There are a number of excellent walks here, so if this junction is part of a regular journey there's the chance to enjoy a different walk each time. There are at least four car parks between the entry point and the farm centre. Dog walkers are politely requested to use one of the earlier car parks, however for us the urge to investigate proved stronger than parking consideration and so we parked in the main car park. And I think anyone visiting for the first time is almost bound to do the same, especially if there is the need to satisfy all family members at once. The second walk here starts from the Barnsfield car park, where there are WCs, a small café and dog poo bins.
Full Walk Details
Walk 1
We started off from the farm and visitor centre car park and walked to the Public Footpath sign by the car park entrance. Two paths start from this point, one to Barnsfield which runs parallel to the road, and the other which is clearly marked with a red waymarker arrow. We ignored the Barnsfield path and took the second path. This can get muddy in wet weather, so have your wellies at the ready. The path is easy to follow, running between fields, and it's up to you to decide how far you want to go and then turn round to come back. Sociable dogs will enjoy this path, as it is quite a busy dog route.
Disabled access
This Country Park offers great scope for the less mobile and wheelchair users. Apart from the range of facilities that make up the Farm complex try the Barnsfield car park. Here there are refreshments and toilets, although, only the Disabled Loo was open on the late Autumn weekday on which we visited. The pathway leading from here gives plenty of choice of routes. Go left and follow the easy trail back to the Farm complex enjoying both open ground and woodland as you go.
Turn right for a woodland walk which later reaches the river bank. Straight on is signed to the jetty and gives marvellous panoramic views of the river, and further along of the moored boats. With a generous covering of Autumn leaves on the pathways some care should be taken not to trip on some slightly protruding tree roots, but these are few and far between.
Anything but the 'indoor only' type of wheelchair and scooter should cope well on the paths with a little care. Though, with some gradients it could be a little demanding for pushers of manual chairs at times.
Be aware: As you approach the shoreline to the jetty area. If your dog has a adventurous nature and likes to investigate water etc., he/she may descend the steps to the waters edge. If your dog then takes the shortest route to return to you , he/she will be the wrong side of a fence and you may need able bodied assistance to redirect them. A little further on however, you can accompany your dog to the waters edge next to the jetty.
My young Labradoodle Assistance Dog loved this oh! so!...... exciting place and cavorting in the shallow waters edge, but, still arrived back at the car looking quite clean, and that is a 'result' as they say.
Grateful thanks to Mo and Breeze for their contribution to this walk.