Kennack Sands East dog-friendly beach, Cornwall
TR12 7LZ
Dogs are welcome on the East part of the beach, although dog owners definitely get that 'second class citizen' feeling here. To keep dogs off the West beach, a special path is signed from the WC block. It's a 10 minute walk, giving you time to admire the cafes, life guard patrol and all the amenities of the West before reaching the dog beach in the East where the only significant feature is a crumbling sea wall.
GPS coords for car park: 50.0055, -5.1640 Cafe overlooking the West beach sells basic snacks, coffee and ice-creams, and dogs are welcome at their patio tables. Private car park with all-day fee, no disabled concessions. No reductions for short stay parking either. The path to the East beach is not suitable for wheelchairs or buggies, and isn't worth the effort if you have a lot to carry. A sign in the shop attached to the car park suggests that there are weaver fish at low water. Ouch!
Full Walk Details
Scamper-space on the beach in abundance at low tide.