Country walk and pub with great food near Marlborough, Wiltshire

Here you'll find an accessible dog walk with no stiles or livestock and a country pub with a menu to savour or sandwiches for a quick bite. Just a breath away from the road from Andover to Marlborough and well worth exploring.

Parking available near the pub if you're just walking. Leave space for farm vehicles to get by.
Full Walk Details
The pub is perfectly placed for excellent walks without stiles or livestock. I've shortened a 5 mile circular walk to a 2 mile linear walk to keep the directions really easy. No-one likes getting lost when you're just giving the dog a leg stretch! Walk down Cadley Lane, the one with the no through road sign, for just over a mile. You'll reach another track, and there's an equestrian centre/livery down on the left. Turn round here and retrace your steps for a 40 minute walk.
If you dog is in the mood for more walkies, turn right on the track and then turn right again on a bridleway. This will take you into the centre of Collingbourne Wood. With a GPS it's a straightforward route back; without a GPS it's very easy to get lost. The tracks are wide and clear, but will get muddy in wet weather.
Contact Details |
The Shears Inn | 01264 850304 |