Broad Downs dog walk near Wye, Kent
TN25 5HE

Enjoy one of the best views in the county from the start of this walk, part of the Millstone Nature Trail. There are some steepish slopes to contend with, and there's something to be said for staying with the view at the top and throwing balls down the slope for the dog.

Free car park opposite start of walk. (Marked with a viewpoint symbol on some road maps).
Full Walk Details
Cross the road and go through the wooden swing gates. At the start of the walk there are panoramic views over the valley known as the Devil's Kneading Trough, and on a clear day the vista is breathtaking. There are some steep slopes to do on this route – also breathtaking. An information board at the gate describes the 'Millstone Nature trail' and this 4km route is well signed throughout. Seriously though, if you find hills difficult, let the dog run around in the well fenced-off field at the start of the route while you take in the view.