Box Hill Country Park dog walks, Surrey
KT20 7LB

Fabulous walks with the dog here, and wonderful views over the South Downs. Looked after by the National Trust, so free parking for members. Very popular on sunny weekend afternoons.

WC+disabled, cafe, shop and information centre. P&D car parks - three of them, facilities at Main car park. NT members park free.
Full Walk Details
There are lots of trails to follow, some of which are easy access, but expect a bit of hill to get to the views. A few of the paths are well maintained but are not clearly signed. Leaflets are available from the shop, and it's fun to wander around freely too. Of the self-guided trail leaflets, there's a good selection of routes. My favourite is the riverside walk by the River Mole - best in winter when the cows are tucked up somewhere else. And for an all-day walk the Box Hill hike is a bit of a cardio workout at 8 miles and lots of upping and downing. The Juniper Trail is a 4-mile version of the longer hike and gets all the best bits.