Applecross to Sand Bay dog walk, Scotland
IV54 8LR

A great linear walk- taking in the highest Sand Dune in the UK! Around 4.5 miles of beautiful open Highland countryside and the most amazing views towards Skye & Rassay.

GPS coords for car park: 57.4337, -5.8139 What3Words: ///causes.rivals.puddles Parking in Applecross is free, can be a bit busy near the Inn. Large Car park behind the petrol station - WC & showers available in this car park. Plenty of parking at the head of the Applecross Bay. Large car park available at Sand Bay, Due to the Red Deer being present, please ensure dogs are up to date with tick prevention. Check dogs and people for ticks after every walk. Dogs are permitted on both Applecross Bay & Sand Bay all year round. Park near the Heritage centre or at The potting Shed and join the footpath towards Sand bay. Or if walking from Sand Bay park in the car park by the MOD base. Walk can be a little steep in places, best advice is to stand and admire the view while getting your breath back!
Full Walk Details
This walk is around 2 hours one way.
Starting from Applecross Bay, join the shale footpath behind the Herritage Centre. The Church, Herritage centire & The Manse should be behind you. Continue past Curary (the white bothy) which will be on your left handside.
The path will divert take the righthand fork sign posted for Sand, single file is required here as the path is narrow and steep. From this point onwards follow the well defind path which levels out eventually. Pass through the remnants of a kissing gate, no gate or fence to worry about.
Cross a wooden bridge with a beautiful waterfall and pool beneath you, as you walk the path will bend taking you further up on to the hills surrounding the Coast Road. Red deer and golden eagles reside here. Take time out to look at the view, on a clear day you'll be able to see Skye, Rassay and have a very unique view of the Inner sound.
Cross over another wooden bridge, at this point the path will start to decline gradually, as the path rounds a bend Sand Bay and the MOD base come in to view.
Be wary of a very steep section which has steps cut in to the path, these are quite large and may require some to jump down rather than step down.
Continue to follow the path down towards the Coast Road, cross over the road and head down the tarmac track towards the MOD base. Take the lefthand path, cross the stream via the stepping stones and make your way through the dunes towards the beach.
Sand dune and Monty Hall's bothy are only accessable from the beach.
Action in reverse to get back to Applecross, or turn right to follow the Coast Road back towards Applecross.